Why ‘My Sisterwife's Closet’?

I was asked recently why I named our store ‘My Sisterwife's Closet’ and it really made me put into words the thoughts I had so many years ago when I first started dreaming about this business.
The name ‘My Sisterwife's Closet’ came from the idea of the closet, because I always felt like that was where a person's story could be found.
When I was a girl, my mom's closet was a wonder. It was my favorite place to go and hide and discover her treasures - to discover her story. I would look at her wedding dress hanging in the special bag, try on all her shoes, maybe find a hidden gift, touch her scarves, look at old pictures, smell her perfume and look at all her jewelry. Sometimes she would come into her room when I was there snooping and tell me her stories – all neatly tucked and hanging into her closet. It helped me to know and understand her, not just as my mother, but as a woman. I treasure those memories.
I love to know a person's story. I like to know who they are and what molded them into that person; what inspires them and what makes them feel like getting up in the morning. I feel that a person's jewelry tells a story - why you bought it; or if a gift, who gave it and what that relationship was; or who passed down the piece. It is all part of your story and your story is important.
I also wanted to use the word ‘sisterwife’ for a reason that is important to me. When I was young, I hid my religion from all my friends and only told my closest friend finally when we were in 7th grade during a teen-sleepover-confessional-to-your-BFF kind of thing. I remember being so scared to tell her. She was so sweet and easy about it. As I grew up, I realized more and more that the words polygamy, plural marriage and sisterwife (it is one word) were dirty and taboo to the rest of the world. To me, they were my life. My mom's sisterwives loved me as their own and polygamy or plural marriage described my family. I remember my mom would say my sister-you-know-what when she was in public just to be careful. When we started the show ‘Sister Wives’, it was almost hard for me to be okay with the title of the show. The word was so sacred to me, but so negative to the rest of the world.
When I started dreaming about this business, I really wanted to use the word ‘sisterwife’. I wanted to help give the word a positive connotation. It is a special word to me. I love my sisterwives and our relationship is unique and irreplaceable. I love when I hear the words sisterwife/sisterwives being used out in the world in a positive, cute way as I did on a TV show the other day, it was a delight – all the sisterwives from generations past would be very pleased!
Come see our current designs and register on our site to receive notifications for new jewelry designs coming soon! #MySisterwifesCloset
Comments on this post (45)
Thank you for sharing your lifestyle with us. Even though I don’t believe in your lifestyle, I still believe in the santictity of marriage. I believe in family. If there ever comes a time that you all need to choose your family over a television show, please chose your family.!
You sister wives are a very special type of individual to be able to allow another woman to love your husband, because I sure couldn’t!
God Bless you all and thank you!!!
Lancaster, California
— Traci
I have Been Watching your show since it Started. I wish that I could afford to fly out and just meet you all. Even though I don’t do your Faith I think that you all are amazing people and fighting and living the belief that you have, Each and everyone of you ladies I’m sure faces things all the time because of the faith that you all have chosen. the way I see it God Loves everyone and if this is the path for you all to live then have at it. Not one person should be judging anyone, I wish you ladies well and Kody as well. If you all ever decide to come to West Virginia Harpers Ferry area or Virginia area like Leesburg or Winchester area I would love to meet you ladies and Of course Kody as well and just have a laugh and good times with you. all
— Mary Lowe
I have watched the show from the beginning. I LOVE all of you. I am amazed at how everything works. I am in awe of the children and how wonderful they are. I look forward to the shows each year. I also am wondering if any of the older pieces of jewelry that came out originally will ever be available again ? God Bless you! Adrienne
— Adrienne Hyman
We love your family and i bought my wife a set of the kind earrings and she just loves them!
— Jude Stafford
Ganz liebe Grüße aus Deutschland!
Der Schmuck ist wirklich wunderbar, schön das ihr jetzt auch nach Deutschland versendet…
Ich werde bestimmt öfter mal in eurem Shop stöbern
— Sandra
Hello Ladies I have been watching your show sense day one and for the first time checked this page. Love your quality and prices Christmas is coming so I will be shopping ,, will you have other pieces of jewelry available..?? Roe
— Roe Weber
Hello! I jus wanted to say what a beautiful story of how you decided on the name and also what a beautiful message that I think you and your sister wives are portraying, not only with this business but with your lives in general for sharing your story with the world! How strong and faithful you all are! Even though we are not of the same faith, I am a believer in our Heavenly Father and I know his many blessings and have delighted in watching the show and getting to know your family in a way I didn’t think was possible from a TV show! I have noticed the positive influence it has recently created in MY life and with my family. If the big Brown family can do it, then I can too! The love between the sister wives and also between the children and of course no one can forget what an amazing father and husband Kody manages to be to all of you in spite of all the curveballs life has thrown you all. Thank you for letting me share hopefully a little happiness back with you that your family has given to me :) thank you!
— Toni
Thank you for sharing your story. Even though I am not a polygamist, I watch your show. At first I was surprised that your family was so “normal”. Then I thought, why am I so surprised? I love that you’re so open with the world with your religion and personal lives. I grew up an only child in a divorced family and would have loved nothing more than to have happy and healthy parents (in the way they treated each other) along with brothers and sisters to turn to when times were difficult, or even as a best friend.
I hope as the days move on that this world will be more understanding of your personal preferences. I think people should focus on your family values and happiness vs the negative. Thank you for all you do and your beautiful products. I hope to one day be able to meet your beautiful family.
— Michelle
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your show!!!!! If I were of the same religion, I would choose your family, sister wives,. I admire you all soo very much. Your jewerly is beautiful!!!! Keep your heads held high, God loves us all. God says you have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Love all of you, Your “sister” in God, Vicki
— Vicki
You go ladies. People are so judgemental. I thought it was God’s place to judge. How can anyone say it’s bad, look at your children. There’s not a bad one in the bunch. Great grades going to college how many of us could say they. I only had 2 and that was stuff. Please continue to be the beautiful, positive, loving people that you are. God bless. Karren
— Karrpen
I know you get asked this a million times, but are there going to be any more sisterwives shows. I learned a lot from the show and enjoyed seeing everyone interact. Plus I miss seeing the kids grow.
Love the Phoenix pendant. Maybe I will save for it.
— Mary Lester
Love your blog. My grandmother’s closet was my haven and her dresser with lacey handkerchiefs and everything smelled of powder and my grandma. I miss her every day. Thank you for some special memories.
— Debbi Myers
I have been catching up on all the seasons as I can (I’m in Season 4, 2012), I hope people are becoming more accepting. Honestly, listening to the ladies talk about their relationships apart from Kody, makes it seem ideal, and wonderful.
It has become my favorite show. And each of you women are gorgeous and strong! I can’t wait to be caught up where I need to be!
You are an inspiration to women everywhere of every faith!
Thank you, Brown family.
— Sue
Love your family!!! Would love some jewelry!!!
— Sharon Camp
Thank you Robyn, for sharing this heartwarming story on how you chose the name for your business. Y’all have everything to be proud of!
A fan,
Lori Van Ord ❤
— Lori Van Ord
looking for mens rings. Great job guys on the show
— Michael McElroy
I love the honesty, and the third paragraph is beautifully written. I have a son and a daughter and I treasure both for different reasons, but having a daughter is special when we can share in these type of moments..
It’s brave and empowering to start your own business, I wish you all success.
— Viktoria
Thank you for sharing! My Mom’s closet was always a wonder when I was growing up as well. She passed away in December from Alzheimer’s. Caring for her brought my sister and I back together and made our bond stronger than ever. My faith was waning and honestly I was mad at God. My sister prayed for me and with me and helped me get my faith back on track. In the 7 months since our Mom has gone we have found so msny treasures while going through her closet and belongings. My sister and I are celebrating Mom’s life by taking a road trip from Texas to California to places she talked about growing up. We are doing a documentary about our family’s journey of Alzheimer’s and hope it will help othets.
One of the treasures my sister and I found is my Mom’s jewelry. She always found such unique pieces. I try to wear something from her ‘box’ everyday to feel her spirit and joy.
Thank you again for sharing. Although my sister is not a sisterwife we do have a strong connection as sisters should. I look forward to shopping your ‘closet’
Love From Your Mama
— Joy Freeman
Love the back store to what the business means to you. I have bought items from your store. I really enjoyed that one of orders was for my Birthday. On the out of the envelope to your family picture Meri had wrote happy birthday. That awesome service. The quality is great. I ordered Kody’s moms carmels! Delicious!!!!
I wish you the best with this business.
Best regards and God bless!
Heather Young
— Heather Young
While I am not a polygamist myself, I find the four of you to be very beautiful women. You are all appear to be strong, independent and extremely intelligent. And you have a wonderful family. As for your store, I have been trying for a while trying to decide which piece to get! They are all lovely crafted and priced fairly. Best wishes to you all.
— Sheryl
Absolutely love the show! Y’all make it interesting.
— College Reed
Thank you for sharing. My grandmother was Morman and a member at Latter Day Saints. I respected her for her dedication and faith in God. I am a baptist and I believe in Jesus and know that I will see her again someday. I enjoy your program and I respect you ladies for your devotion to your children and each other. Your life goals and choices could never exist for me but I think that in this time and this moment it’s important to see others in their reality. Especially if that is different than what is the typical normal.
— Penni
Hi RObyn,
2 things, I really want the tree of life pendant in the version that is sold out. will it ever come back?
Will you ever have plus size tshirts? I am 2x and all you have is XL.
I am a HUGE fan of your family. Hope you are all doing well.
— Sara
I love your tv show and your sisterwifes closet. You make me feel so engaged in all of your lives. I think it is amazing to have a huge family like yours there is so much love an caring. I am sure there are times when there are disagreements but that is what love is all about. May God continue to bless each an every one of you?❤ i can hardly wait for the new season to begin! Thank you for doing what you do.! All the very best wishes to all. ❤❤❤❤
— Deb.
You offer nice Peace’s of jewlery
— Jane Morton